3 Tips for Apartment Hunting on a Budget

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Apartment hunting can be a lot of fun and exciting, especially if you are getting your first apartment. But when you are on a budget, it can be hard to find the right apartment that you’ll love and can afford. Below are three tips that you can use to find an affordable place to live.

Have Roommates

Chances are that you have thought of this, but one of the best ways that you can get your apartment on when your budget is small is to split the rent with one or two roommates. For instance, there could be a complex that offers a one bedroom for $800/month and two bedrooms for $1,200/month. If you can find a roommate that can split your rent with, you are going to spend less money less money than if you rented the one bedroom on your own. Not only that, but you are going to save money with your utility bills.

Don’t Move During the Popular Times

Even though the availability of apartments goes up during the popular renting times, this increased demand also will drive the prices up a lot too. You should understand the way that seasons will affecte rentals

Think about where you want to live. Are there any colleges close by? Areas that are near universities and colleges will often have a lot of turnover in between the semesters, particularly in the summertime.

Are there seasonal weather changes in the city or does it stay the same throughout the year? Many renters don’t like relocating during the inclement weather, so the majority of moves ake into account where you’re looking to live. Are there universities nearby? Areas that are close to colleges and universities tend to experience the highest turnover of renters between semesters, especially during the summer.

During off seasons you might be able to get a deal on your rent so that they have renters rather than empty apartments. Time your move right, and you may find that you have some negotiate with your landlord.

Look for an Apartment on the Middle Floor

Did you know that sometimes where the apartment is located in a building can affect the price? It’s true. Chances are that you have heard of the penthouse of a building coming at a premium, but that’s not the only thing. The prices for rent are often higher on higher or lower building levels. People often have a better view when they are on the higher floors, and lower floors give you easy access.

If you don’t care about a view and you are willing to take the elevator or stairs rather than coming in right off of the street, there’s a good chance you’ll save money.

These are just three tips that you can use to find an affordable apartment that you can call home. Don’t give up when you are looking for apartments. The right one is out there for you. You just have to keep looking and you will find one that’s perfect for you.